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Established only a few years after the system transformation of 1989, Komandor S.A. is now a leading brand on the international markets- having launched the sliding door systems in Poland it created also the first network of their distribution. The times were changing - but the company knew very well how to master new challenges.

Nowadays Komandor is one of the most important furniture manufacturers on the Polish market. The successful company, leader in the branch of fitted furniture is not only appreciated in the own country, its international presence has been growing continuously in the past decades - today we can find Komandor’s products in 42 countries all over the world. Manufacturing Journal had the opportunity to interview Mr. Mariusz Głogowski, the CEO of Komandor, considered the expert in the field. „We started like everybody else in those times, in the garage…- it is with these very words that Mr. Głogowski begins to picture us the story of his successful enterprize - basing on the experiences of the American markets and on products that were available only abroad we managed to build up a distribution network. Two years later, due to our hard work - we could already begin by designing our own products, building production hubs and making longterm development plans.“ In the next years Komandor managed to make its name both at home and abroad. One of the important steps forward came together with the opening of the production plant in Mielec (1995) and two years later in Radom - the first place in Poland to produce sliding door systems. But it was the year 1994 that marked the significant advancement - with the introduction of the first computer design programme that facilitated the service - a truly pioneering step in those times when IT solutions weren’t commonly used. Starting with the year 2000 the venture expanded both its offer and its production lines, including wardrobes, bedrooms, fitted furniture and room partition for comfortable storage, both at home and in the office premises - and soon turned a global expert in its branch.

Commitment to top quality and attention to detail
The first fitting furniture systems Lux and Agat were developed still in the nineties, in the first plant in Radom. Since then a lot of things changed and many new solutions have been launched. The strive towards development, effective operations and first class products has been present from the very beginning. The care for the smallest detail holds the highest value – it is exactly this very approach that provides results and is the key to success. But how is it possible to find the perfect balance between room functionality and innovative and original appearance? The ideas for new products and their design come from many sources. Thanks to the long experience and good relations with the clients, Komandor is able to learn from them, trying to meet their needs while taking full responsibility for the top quality of its products. While designing a new product, the staff specifies its parameters (material, shape, dimensions, colour) and extensively tests the ready fabrication that shall confirm its compliance with the principles - both aesthetics and durable finishing are a must. The tests inlude pressing, coating, profile anodising, the layer thickness, quality of PVC lining, resistance of the layers to harsh environmental conditions and durability. When a smooth and hard surface is required, the product will be additionally subjected to vulcanising or anodising. These methods aim at providing the surface with not just an aesthetic appearance, but also with resistance to corrosion. From designing to production, from the smallest detail to an entire system- care and attention to details are essential. And the diverse colours of the furniture and finishing details guarantee that everyone will find something to their taste.

Specialists & Investments
Achievement of goals and sales levels would not be possible without business partners. Komandor works with proven suppliers, companies that share the same values, care about the quality of their products and the envorinment and - deliver in due time. What matters most is however the mutual trust – the crucial feature in business relationships and a guarantee that allows to meet with the deadlines. Most of Komandor’s partners and suplliers are longtime colleagues, accompanying the venture from the very beginning of its existence. The core team of approximatelly thousand employees is made up of qualified designers, assemblers and customer support staff. The whole production process is fully automated and the staff assures efficient and smooth operation of the production lines. Komandor has also established its own repair facilities, a solution that guarantee the continuity of production and allows fast reactions to arising problems. The most important sectors are construction and innovative designing which reflect the newest trends in the furniture industry; it is here that the best ideas come from and where they are realized. Another focal point is effective marketing, done through Internet websites and social media pages available in different languages. Komandor forms a group of companies providing top quality products and service. In order to establish closer bonds with the market, it invests in expansion of the production lines and in plants prefabricating fitted furniture. All of the systems are created in the Radom plant, equipped with the new machinery. On the production area of over 5.000 m² you ‘ll find assembly lines from rolling-mills up to warehouses and packaging facilities. Modern, up-to-date toolshop is one of the essential features for the whole company; it influences the quality, precision and the working conditions - and also the shape of the final product. In the last years Komandor and its regional divisions have been investing in modernisation of the machinery: the company purchased modern saws, new covering machines and CNC controlled manufacturing centres, allowing the accurate and fast processing. The quality of machinery, qualified staff and new technologies guarantee the satisfaction of the customers; no company willing to expand to new markets can ignore this aspect.

Plans for the years to come & social activities
The sector of furniture has been subject to big trasformations in the last decades - the main changes include design of the furniture pieces and their functionality. Komandor has to stay at the forefront and be able to adjust to this development, meet the market demands and respond to his customers expectations. The customers and their needs are very different though - but so are also Komandor’s solutions - diverse. According to the plans, next years should mark further development and closer cooperation with architects and designers - one step towards achieving this goal lies in creating a new communication platform. The enterprise will also invest not only in selected products but much more in overall, complex solutions that allow to arrange entire appartaments, custom-made furniture, preserving at the same time the individual nature of the interior. Komandor understands itself as a social player and is open to all kinds of projects and initiatives that promote gatherings and allow its members to become better acquainted with the needs of the local communities. The main activities Komandor participates in include sport and charity activities, participation in building local infrastructure or assistance activities for the benefit of the local population. Komandor is often much more than just a job- positive professional relations and community spirit are fostered by spending free time together and co-operating on various levels.

Something to show the world – achievements & acomplishments
The quality of the KOMANDOR products has been tested by millions of users all over the world and confirmed with various certificates. But KOMANDOR has much more achievements to be proud of. Some of the most prestigious prizes have been awarded by the customers, one of them is the Golden Emblem of the Customers’ Quality Leader – a prize that Komandor got already six times. But it is not only awards for quality of products and services that the company gets - you will find also those for design and innovative solutions. Here are some of them: Diamond Furniture 2018, Superbrands and Good Design 2019 (Dobry Wzór). Awards do not just mean a synthesis of the achievements but are much more a motivation and incentive, a stimulus for further development and activities and- a challenge to respond to.


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