Innovations in industry 4.0, current trends in logistics and cooperation meetings − this extensive ‘package’ will be offered to every participant of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE and the accompanying trade fairs: Modernlog, Subcontracting and Focast. Diversified exhibition, which is created by key industry companies and a rich programme of events corresponding to the current market challenges, attracts like a magnet every year. The world of industry is waiting for the fair in Poznań, which will take place from 31 May to 3 June.
The ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE trade fair has for many years been perceived as the most important event for the industrial sector in this part of Europe. This is where you can follow modern solutions in manufacturing companies and learn how to increase competitiveness.
Inspirational leaders at ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE
Contact with market leaders is an inspiration for many other ‘players’ who are just discovering their potential. For several years, we have been observing the trend of automation in production companies and the development of robotisation. Working machines and robots in action are the showpiece of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE. We make sure that this year the exhibition halls are also filled with modern equipment. Participation in the fair has already been confirmed by some leaders such as: DMG MORI, MAZAK, TRUMPF, AMADA, SIEMENS, KUKA, FANUC, KIMLA. More companies come to us successively. There will also be startups. Some of them have already been successfully implemented, some are still waiting for their ‘start’, announces Anna Lemańska-Kramer, director of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE.
The ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE trade fair starts with a hackathon
The novelty of this year’s edition will be DronePower (.pl) − hackathon plus, team brainstorming under the slogan ‘TECHNOLOGIES for INFRASTRUCTURE SAFETY’.
The idea was born out of the need to ensure the security of infrastructure essential for the functioning of the state. These are not only power plants, water pumping stations, sewage treatment plants, hospitals, and government and local government administration buildings, but also communication routes, raw material and data transmission lines. Our ambition is to hire robots (physical and software) developed at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre to defend the infrastructure. We will set such challenges for the participants of DronePower (.pl), i.e. hackathon plus. We want the solutions proposed at ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE to be quickly refined and implemented, so selected teams will be able to present their ideas to potential clients directly in the field, in the test area of the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre at the airport in Kąkolewo near Poznań. We invite academic, professional and mixed teams to participate − encourage experts from the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre, the organiser of the hackathon. The best participants will receive cash prizes and paid internships. DronePower (.pl) will be held during the fair, from 2 to 3 June.
Digital transformation and digital twin
During the last edition of ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE, the highlight of the programme was the two-day Industry Next Congress. This successfully realised idea will come back also this year.
Present times are turbulent and unpredictable. During the Industry Next Congress, we will discuss the greatest challenges currently facing the Polish and global industry. We will be looking for solutions and mechanisms to improve the operation of Polish manufacturing companies. The second day of the Congress, just like in 2021, will be dedicated to workshop meetings that enjoyed great interest among participants. Their partners will not change either: the Science and Technology Park, and the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre under the joint brand EDIH HPC4Poland, reveals the details of the programme Anna Lemańska-Kramer.
With the advancement of industrial digitisation, machine learning, system modelling, internet of things (IoT) sensors, streaming platforms, simulation and cloud technologies, the Digital Twin concept is becoming more and more popular. This theme will also be present at the Industry Next Congress. Experts of the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre
will present tools and examples of implementations of ‘digital twins’ in the automotive, aviation and machine production industries. It will be a spectacular journey into the future that is being created in front of our eyes In production, digital twins are used for product design, supply chain management, predictive maintenance, and customer experience analysis. Digital twins are an exciting emerging technology. It will bring a new era of innovation, safety and efficiency not only in industry, but in many sectors, adds Anna Lemańska-Kramer.
The research of the event’s partners shows that 64% of Polish manufacturing companies want to digitise, but only 31% of managers know what tools to use. Therefore, this year’s Industry Next workshop will be devoted entirely to the presentation of digital transformation tools along with examples of their use and funding opportunities.
For the Poznań Science and Technology Park, participation in the Congress is a great opportunity to present the latest technologies that can be implemented in companies from the industrial sector. It is also an opportunity to educate, promote and demonstrate to the general public the practical solutions of the Digital Age Industry.
As one of the five Digital Innovation Hubs implementing the pilot programme of the Ministry of Development and Technology, we implemented a package of services supporting the digital transformation process of Polish enterprises. During the Industry Next Congress, we will share our experiences in this field and show how companies can plan their development path towards industry 4.0. The partners (Apollogic Sp. z o.o., PIT Łukasiewicz, Fundacja GS1 Polska and IC Solution Sp. z o.o.) who will appear during our panel are entities that develop and implement digital solutions that are directly applicable in key industries. They will present proprietary technologies, share experiences from the digital transformation process carried out for both European and US clients. Panel participants will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge and competences, as well as learn about practical solutions in the field of artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and digitisation of supply chains, which are key technologies in the process of digital transformation of the industry and support the circular economy, announce the experts of the Poznań Science and Technology Park.
The second edition of the Industry Next Congress will be held on the first and second day of the ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE fair (31 May−1 June 2022).
Smart Warehouse conference and business contracting
The MODERNLOG Trade Fair of Logistics, Transport and Storage will be held Simultaneously with ITM Industry Europe. As every year, the programme of this event will include attractions addressed to directors of distribution centres, supply chain managers, heads and employees of logistics companies. Particular attention should be paid to live machine shows in the In4Log zone, which is organised in cooperation with the Medialog publishing house. Here you will see machines in action, recreating warehouse processes, as well as examples of optimising the work of your devices. The presentations will be held each day of the fair in cooperation with technology partners.
The second important item on the MODERNLOG programme is the two-day Smart Warehouse conference, which will be held on 1−2 June of this year. Its programme is based on four discussion panels attended by representatives of major brands in the logistics industry. The topics discussed will include automation of processes, robotisation of warehouses and artificial intelligence. Smart Warehouse, however, is primarily talks with practitioners, analysis of case studies and modern technologies in the context of current challenges. What is the cost of operation of automatic storage systems today and what is the chance of lowering the cost with rising energy prices? What is the impact of military conflict on supply chains? How do we digitise analogue warehouse processes? These are just a few of the issues planned for the Smart Warehouse conference.
People looking for new business contacts should be interested in this year’s SUBCONTRACTING Industrial Cooperation Fair. It is the meeting place for industrial clients and subcontractors who will be able to get to know each other and establish cooperation as part of the arranged Subcontracting Meetings. This is a rare opportunity to gain valuable business contacts and expand your subcontractor base.
The ITM INDUSTRY EUROPE Fair will be held from 31 May to 3 June 2022 on the fairgrounds of MTP Poznań Expo. Visitors will have an opportunity to visit at the same time the exhibition of the Modernlog Trade Fair of Logistics, Transport and Storage, the Subcontracting Industrial Cooperation Fair and the Focast Foundry Forum.
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