21-23 September,2016/ Amsterdam, Netherlands
This marcus evans event is designed to bring together leading manufacturing experts from a wide range of plants and site across Europe to share quality and in-depth case studies on how to prepare for the evolution to digital manufacturing. It will be held on 21-23 September, 2016 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Delegates will learn how to achieve optimal productivity levels through improved operational excellence, whilst always meeting customers’ expectations and demands. You will understand both how to dispel concerns surrounding security and data management and overcome barriers to ALM and rapid prototyping; how to exploit 3D printing on a mass production scale and ultimately how to transform your cost centre into a profit centre.
European manufacturers are under huge pressure to be more flexible, productive, energy efficient and innovative. They also need to react on the current market trends: product life cycles are getting shorter and customers increasingly request customized and tailored products fitting their needs. Manufacturing experts need to make sure their production systems are more flexible, integrated, re-usable and cost-efficient.
Failing to invest in smarter technologies would mean that companies would risk losing their competitive advantage and profits. This is why they are now investing in smart manufacturing systems: the information technology (IT) revolution has finally come to factory floors around Europe.
Learn from Key Practical Case Studies:
- Michelin expanding on how to combine lean, TOC and “Virtual Factory” to design an optimized new plant
- Mercedes-Benz España sharing projects on optimal implementation of security, cyber-security and privacy standards
- Thales Group presenting how to introduce Additive Manufacturing in an existing design and manufacturing chain
- Frost&Sullivan discussing how to benefit from smart manufacturing, Big Data and the new business models
- Dow expanding on four strategies for conquering smart manufacturing
- Henkel discussing supply chain 4.0 and smart operations in FMCG
For more information about this event, please contact Yiota Andreou at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit the event website: http://bit.ly/1Yv6Z0g