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Scania has decided to boost its parts distribution capacity. The central
warehouse in Europe will be extended and an entirely new parts warehouse will be
constructed in South America. A total of SEK 400 million will be invested in
these facilities, which will go into service during the first quarter of 2013.
“This investment is being made so that we can continue to ensure high
availability of parts for the growing number of Scania vehicles on the road.
Good parts availability at service workshops is of great importance for our
customers' profitability,” says Jan Andries Oldenkamp, Head of Scania Parts
Scania’s central warehouse in Opglabbeek, Belgium, was inaugurated in 1993 and
since 2007 has served as the parts distribution hub for the company’s 1,000 or
so European dealerships and to the regional warehouses that supply Scania
dealerships in the rest of the world. The existing facility will be supplemented
with a new 36,500 square metre building.
InSouth America, Scania’s parts supply occurs via a facility located near the
company's production unit inSão Paulo. This operation will be moved to
themunicipalityofVinhedoin theCampinasregion, which has developed into a
logistics centre for road and air transport services. The new 16,000 square
metre building will represent a 60 percent increase in capacity.
Concurrently with the expansion of capacity inEuropeandSouth America, Scania is
investing in strengthening its regional parts distribution in the rest of the
world. In late 2011, for example, Scania established a regional warehouse in

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